System certification · Enterprise management training · Service certification

Product quality technical testing measurement calibration quality evaluation

Contact us

Tel : +86 - 512 - 8398 6526

Fax: +86 - 512 - 8398 6516

E-mail: info@lqa-cert.com


Address: 5th Floor, Building 5, Wols Industrial Park, No. 111 Hengshan Road, High tech Zone, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province

Company Profile

1.1 Property

Suzhou LQA Standard Certification Co., Ltd. LQA in short, was found in Sept 2011, and has approved by CNCA in Jun 2017 after 6 years preparation. The license no is CNCA-R-2017-332.

LQA is located in Suzhou, a core city in China Yangtze River Delta, LQA is hold by private capital and specialized in ISO certification body with an independent legal entity. At present, the business scope of certification, includes the certifications of ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001, ISO13485 standards and IECQ HSPM Certification to IECQ QC 080000.

1.2 Organization

The functional departments of LQA under top management includes the management committee, Technical Committee, audit dept, marketing dept, administration dept, Technical dept.

1.3 Resources

Since establishment of LQA, the Key auditors selected has many experience in certification, testing and quality, and now a high-level auditor team with comprehensive sector is formed. All the staff have college degree or above, profound technical knowledge and rich practical experience, and some have a senior titles or graduated education. In order to maintain the advantage of ability, a technical committee is established composed of technicians who have been engaged in technical work and professional level in the field of certification for a long time, and a management committee is established composed of  those interest parties in certification activities, certified customers, government supervision agencies, public organizations and representatives of LQA.

Regarding to operation of certification, LQA strictly complies with ISO/IEC17021-1 under IAF and IECQ system Rules. LQA has established a complete documented management system, conducts an internal audit and management review as planned, forms the mechanism of risk prevention, self supervision, self correction and improvement.

1.4 Mission and Purpose

LQA always strictly adheres to the values of respect for nature and love for mankind, being altruistic behavior, harmony of knowledge and practice, and takes the mission of creating value for clients, making happiness for employees, contributing to social development, and continually popularizes ISO certification culture, and promotes ISO management of small & medium-sized enterprises.

 LQA is a certification body that doesn’t pursue the maximum of profit. It doesn’t accept any economic support from society; its financial revenue is from certification audit and training fees. Finance conducts independent calculating with the stable financing situation and a good finance monitoring mechanism.

The certification business carried out by LQA strictly abides by Chinese laws and regulations, complies with relevant certification regulations and IECQ rules, and accepts the management and supervision from CNCA, CNAS and IECQ.

1.5  Scope

ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems 

ISO 14001 Environmental management systems

ISO 9001 Quality management systems 


ISO 13485 Medical devices—Quality Management Systems

LQA business scope approved and recorded by the CNCA is: ISO 9001,ISO 14001,ISO 45001, ISO 13485 and IECQ QC 080000.


2、 policy objectives and commitments

2.1 Quality Policy

Science, Impartiality, professional, high efficiency, accuracy, integrity

2.2 objective

a) All certification activities 100% complied with certification regulations;

b) client satisfaction rate ≥90%;

2.3 Management commitment

All employee of LQA focus on customer satisfaction and identify any possible improvement opportunities to continuously improve customer satisfaction, to ensure the effectiveness of the audit process and the efficiency of management.

Our services are open to all applicants without any additional conditions, within the certification scope.

LQA strictly keeps confidential the technology, management, operating secrets and certification process of certification organizations.

3、working guidelines

3.1.With conformance to relevant regulations of nation and quality policy of LQA, we conduct certification activities within the business permit range approved by CNCA.

3.2.LQA implement the certification activities with impartiality and opening for any organization who apply for certification voluntarily and carry out the procedures on the basis of standard and regulations. Certification activities are only carried out within approved scopes and does not be influenced by any factor that may affect impartiality of certification results. Any inequitable activity shall not be taken, for instance, it handles applicant’s work with priority or delay.

3.3.LQA conducts certification activity depending on strict work discipline and perfect management actions and our staff shall not contract the certification quantity or economic indices of our company. LQA shall ensure to keep secret of organization information and safeguard their profits.

3.4. LQA shall abide by Certification authority management methods, and sign the certification contract independently, shall not be engaged in any consulting activity relating to our business.

3.5.LQA shan’t conduct the certification activities for maximizing profits and shan’t develop market with any unjustified ways. Certification charge shall be set according to certification standards, enterprise size, risk level and market conditions.

3.6.Any services provided by LQA shall be opened for all clients without attaching unjustified financial or other conditions. And we shall not limit any organization according to its scale or whether it is the member of certain association or league as well as the quantity of certified organization.

3.7.We provide following specifications for certification audit personnel:

a)  Auditors shall not be engaged in consulting activity by any means;

b) Any auditors provided consult to the client of proposed certification in recent two years shall not participate in the certification activity of this organization;

c) They shall conform to the regulations of the clause 15 in “Certification Accreditation Rule of PRC”

3.8.LQA shall not conduct training for the organization that has obtained the certification registration of our company or has entrusted our company to register certification. All training shall be conducted for society, which ensures that training business cannot affect impartiality of certification.

3.9.LQA shall ensure that all staff, relevant bodies, subcontractors and auditors shall handle matters impartially and do not make benefit through their rights, and do work without falsification, also do not offer the priority or delay to client for the interests of individual, group or other parties. If there is violation, it shall be punished per LQA employee manual.    

3.10.LQA shall make applicable arrangement in compliance with relevant law and regulations of accreditation body to ensure that all levels (including Management Committee, technical committee, and external personnel) keep confidentiality for achieved information on the process of certification.

3.11.In addition to the requirements of accreditation or law, the relevant information of specific product or applicant shall not be leaked to the third party without written approval of applicant. When the information must be provided for the third party according to law’s requirement, our company shall communicate the provided information to applicant.

3.12.All the employee including management Committee, technical committee, technical expert, full-time and part-time auditors shall sign the “impartiality and confidentiality statement”, make a commitment to comply with each requirement of impartiality and confidentiality.